Monday, June 01, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 9 - June 1, 1994

June 1 - Set out for Denver. The drive was about an hour too long. Most of the flat-for-as-far-as-the-eye-can-see part of the trip, I was watching the big storm move east of me before I got to it, so I missed it.

Stopped at the Cadillac Ranch just outside of Amarillo. This is a patch of farmland off of I-40 that a guy took ten 40-60's vintage Caddilacs and stuck them nose-first into the ground. The fins stick up out of the ground. He spray painted them blue and took out all of the glass. There is lots of really cool graffiti, and they are fun to climb on. Art. Serious Art.

Went through the prettiest small town I have ever seen, Rocky Ford, CO. Just a gorgeous, quaint little town.

As the sun was going down over the Rockies, I had to sit on Highway 50 and wait for the construction trucks to pack up and go home.

Got to Pueblo right about sunset. The combination of the sunset, the darker rain clouds and Pike's Peak made a great view.

I finally got to Denver about 10 PM, and got to Tibor Roberts' place. This place is kind of hopping this weekend; I am here for my trip, and one of Tibor's friends from grad school is working out here for a week and staying with Tibor.

Route: I-27 North to I-40 (Amarillo). I-40 West to US-385. US-385 North to US 287 (Boise City, OK). US-287 West to US-50 (Lamar, CO). US-50 West to I-25 (Pueblo). I-25 North to Denver.

Saying goodbye to Grandmother and Roy. He died 4 years later; this is last time I saw him.
Me in my car
Grandmother took this. It's one of only two picture I have of this car.

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