Sunday, June 21, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 29 - June 21, 1994

June 21 - I decided to stay another day here and drive to Cincinnati and only stay one night. So today, I played clarinet and bass clarinet with Kennen. It was a struggle to play Kennen's bass clarinet. He uses much harder reeds, and some of the keys are in weird places. Still we had a good time. After we got tired, we talked some more.

Kennen is trying to get a position at a college, so he was extremely interested in my clarinet choir tapes, as he might have to do one. We listened to most of them over the time of my visit.

That evening we went to a picnic concert at CMU. The group wasn't that good, but we had a good time anyway. Kaylee loved it. There was grass and there were dogs and there were people. It was the solstice, so the sun was still up when we left at 9. We went back and talked some more. We then remembered that Kennen had wanted to install ClarisWorks on his SE, but he only has low density disks. After working around that problem, we realized that he has System 6.0.1, and of course, ClarisWorks requires 6.0.4. Sigh. In addition, FileMaker's About Box crashes. Sigh. Oh, well.

I got to bed quite late.

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