Friday, June 12, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 20 - June 12, 1994

June 12 - I got up and felt much, much better. The sinus headache was gone, and most of the other symptoms were too. I was still a little stuffy, however. Got on the road about 10. Took highway 45 down here. Wisconsin is absolutely beautiful. Lots of green with little rolling hills and trees and pretty farmhouses. Lots of Victorian era barns. Good stuff. Got to David and Valerie's place about noon. They are very nice people; they cooked two delicious meals for me and would not let me help clean up. He is from Guilford, south of London, and she is from Montreal. They are both grad students at Northwestern. They just graduated. Valerie is taking a job at UT Austin, and David will be doing postdoc work in Tallahassee. Their apartment is a carved-up Victorian in a neighborhood with a lot more of them. Wilmette is a northern suburb of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan. Seems like a nice place. A couple of their friends, John and Marty, came over for dinner. They are nice people. Marty is quite a bit older than me, in her fifties, and John is about my age, so they make an interesting couple, if indeed they are one. They are, however, buying a house together, so we had things we could talk about. All in all, a pleasant day. I really like the meeting-people part of this trip. Route - US 45 South to Lake Blvd. in Skokie. Lake Blvd. to Wilmette

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