Sunday, June 28, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 36 - June 28, 1994

June 28 - Got up at 5 to take Anna to the airport, and got on the road. The Customs guy for the US didn't even ask me my name. After about two hours on the road, I realized that I still hadn't really caught up on sleep, so I pulled over in a rest area and slept for a couple of hours.

Got into Providence about 4 and went to Leslie Baker's house. We talked for a while, and then Margo Ballou showed up, and soon after, Leslie's husband, Chuck Halfen got home. Leslie cooked some spaghetti, and we ate, and talked to all hours of the morning.

Route - Quebec 133 South to Vermont. Quebec 133 becomes I-89. I-89 South to I-93. I-93 South to I-495 around Boston. I-495 South to I-95. I-95 South to I-195. I-195 East to city streets.

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