Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 17 - June 9, 1994

June 9 - Left Dallas for Milwaukee. Drove a lot. At one point, in rural Arkansas, I was trying to take a shortcut from I-40 to I-55. Didn't work out, there was a sign missing and I ended up on a dirt road with very poor, very black people living in shanties looking at me like I was crazy. Other than that, the trip was long. I was starting to get stuffy now. Sigh. Stopped in Cairo, IL, just across the border from Missouri on I-57. Just in case you were wondering, that's pronounced "Carrow". The motel was a dive, but it was clean. I went to the truck stop to get a newspaper, but all they had was bad pornography and cigarette smoke. Truckers are depressing. And to think I really wanted to be one for a while when I was growing up.

Route - Texas 183 East to I-35E. I-35E South to I-30. I-30 East to I-440 (Little Rock, AR). I-440 East and North to I-40. I-40 East to Arkansas 218. Arkansas 218 North (East) to I-55. I-55 North to I-57. I-57 North to Cairo.

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