Thursday, June 11, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 19 - June 11, 1994

 June 11 - Started off feeling ok, I guess. So I went to the Milwaukee Art Museum. Right by it, they were having a big festival. A couple of thousand people with music and barbecue. It dawned on me watching people come and go that it was a gay and lesbian thing, and the museum ticket teller confirmed it.

Looked at art for about three hours. They neglected to tell me their video policy at the entrance, so I got scolded. Seems you can scan the art and use it as backgrounds, whatever that means, but you can't just stand there and film it. So I stopped. But I am not erasing what I got before that. Reasonable museum. The modern American collection is particularly impressive, and they had a glass collection which was amazing.
About 4, I developed a sinus headache, so I went back to my room and doped up and went to sleep, hoping not to miss the game.

Got up in time for game, and felt better. Not great, was still really tired and stopped up, but went to the game anyway.

Milwaukee County Stadium is very bland. They don't have DiamondVision, which is ok, but they play video with the light-bulb scoreboard. Uggh. Looks like an Apple II screen. Bob Eucker is good on the radio, though, and the sausages are quite yummy. Cleveland won, 5-2.

1994-06-11 Cleveland Indians at Milwaukee Brewers - Visitors

1994-06-11 Cleveland Indians at Milwaukee Brewers

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