Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 10 - June 2, 1994

June 2 - Tibor and Pete went to work; I slept. Got up and got my oil changed. Dialed into work, but when I went to shut down my computer, the system got corrupted, and the machine wouldn't boot (flashing disk question mark icon). Sigh. Spent the rest of the afternoon reading, and enjoying the thunderstorm. I hadn't seen a good one for a while.

That evening, Pete had to work very late. Tibor and I went to dinner (you guessed it, Mexican). We went CD shopping, came back, played cards, played pool, and went to bed.

Tibor has a "luxury condominium" right next to where he works in an eighteen story buiding. He is on the fifth floor. In the basement, there is a ping-pong table (no ball) and a pool table. Nice place.

Denver Mountains
I can't believe I did this trip without a good point-and-shoot camera. This "picture" was taken of the view outside of Tibor's window. I have no business with a fully manual camera.

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