Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Black History Month 2025 - February 4th - Ken Griffey, Jr.

This year, as a 60-turning-61 white man, I am going to highlight African Americans that have had some kind of influence in my life. Some are famous, some are friends, and others are just people.

February 4th

Ken Griffey, Jr.

His father was a really good baseball player, and Junior was hyped to be much better. Seattle called him up in 1989, and then signed Senior for 1990. On September 14, 1990, they hit back-to-back home runs. This is when most fans discovered The Kid.

He was great out of the gate. Handsome, cocky, with a big toothy grin and the sweetest left-handed seen anybody had ever seen, he became the icon for a new generation of baseball players. Some baseball old-timers bristled at his demeanor, especially when Griffey wore his hat backwards when he wasn’t in games. Major League Baseball, to their credit, embraced the youthful exuberance, and promoted Griffey shamelessly.

Boy, he was fun to watch. The early nineties were filled with young baseball stars, but Griffey Junior was one of the best. Now appearing in commercials (like old athletes do), he still has the dazzling smile. He also seems to have avoided any off-field or post-career scandals. He’s living his best life.

You were good, Kid.

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