Monday, February 10, 2025

Black History Month 2025 - February 10th - John

This year, as a 60-turning-61 white man, I am going to highlight African Americans that have had some kind of influence in my life. Some are famous, some are friends, and others are just people. #blackhistorymonth

February 10th


I spent 6th grade at McGregor Music and Science Academy, a newly designated magnet school in the heart of Houston’s 3rd Ward. My class was about 60% African American.

One day during the first half, my teacher asked me help tutoring a student who was having trouble with math. So worked with John, and taught hm fractions and long division over the next few weeks.

Another day, at PE, we played basketball, and I was terrible. Truly. I had been sick most of my childhood to that point, so I had zero skills. John approached me on the way back to class, and offered to give me pointers on how to play basketball during lunch as payment for teaching him math.

He worked with me off and on the rest of the year. I was still a terrible shot, but at least I could dribble, at least with my right hand, and I could defend.

We both helped each other out with what each of us was best at. As it should be.

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