Friday, May 29, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 6 - May 29, 1994

May 29 - Mrs. Carey woke me up with an omelette already cooked for me. After thanking them profusely, I set out for Plainview. I was dreading this a bit because I know how boring driving in the Panhandle can be. New Mexico was dull; however, they had been getting lots of rain in West Texas recently, so all the grass and crops were green and there were lots of colorful flowers
along the highway.

I got into Plainview about 4:00, and Grandmother proceeded to stuff me full of food. My step-grandfather, Roy, is really getting old. He is quite deaf, so he has trouble keeping up with conversations, and he has circulation problems in his legs, so he has to sit in his recliner with his feet up. He sits and reads the paper most of the time.

Grandmother and I "visited" until bedtime.

Route: US 285 North to US 70 (Roswell). US 70 East to Plainview.

Hmm. Apparently my route was sub-optimal. At least I didn't go through Lubbock.

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