Thursday, May 28, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 5 - May 28, 1994

May 28 - I got off to a late start, but then packed up and headed for Carlsbad, NM. After a long, really dull drive, I arrived about 8:30 PM. There was some scenery; I went through Guadalupe Mountains National Park. There were some really cool mountains, but it was so small.

I stayed with Martha Carey's parents in Carlsbad. Martha's sister was playing a recital that evening, so they weren't home when I got there. They just left the front door open for me. Wow.

Mrs. Carey left me microwave dinner, and I nuked some lasagna and watched tv. After I got bored with that, I went to the piano room. They have two grand pianos and a pipe organ in one half of the living room. I started messing around with some Mozart which I have no hope of playing. They got back, and we got to know each other.

Turns out they have a PC and an HP Laser Jet IIP printer with 512K, and they are having printing problems in Windows (suprise, suprise). I explained to them why and the best way to fix it, and Mr. Carey said, "I think you have earned your keep!"

Route: I-10 East to US-62-180 (in El Paso). US-62-180 East to Carlsbad.

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