Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Baseball Trip Replay - Day 74 - August 5, 1994

August 5 - Came home. Home, however, was gone. The sale for the new house had closed on July 29, and Anna had moved quite a bit of stuff to the new place. While I was gone, a jazz station, KJAZ, and a classical station, KKHI, had sold out. So it was kind of strange. New house, my stuff in the old house, and the two stations I listened to the most gone. I spent the next week getting all of my stuff to the new house. On August 12, the players walked out. It's too bad that this season was wiped. I had seen just about every player play and had kept up with the penant races forever more. I was the ultimate baseball fan in 1994, and then it was gone. I am happy I got home before the strike, but it was kind of depressing.

Route - California 137 to California 99. California 99 North to California 152. California 152 West to US 101. US 101 North to Menlo Park and HOME!

And that's that. A trip of a lifetime.

Over the next few days/weeks, I will be posting supplemental material, including essays on the state of my world before and after, a big map of the whole trip, and lots of useless baseball statistics. If you have hung on the past 10.5 weeks, I would love it if you read the prose. The other stuff I post is basically a way to capture info and data.

Thanks for reading! If I do another trip, I would love it if any of you would meet for lunch, a game, or even part of the driving. Good luck!

Driving to the old house; small amount of footage of the new house including the first image I have ever seen of the 1951 Ford Anna bought me

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